List of all Jena Malone Movies

Jena Malone is an American actress as well as a musician who is very famous for her diverse as well as captivating performances and if you are here to know about jena malone movies and tv shows then this is the apt blog for you to get to know about it. 

Malone started her career at a very young age and she has gained critical acclaim for her very first performance in the movie ‘Bastard out of Carolina’ which was at the age of 12. 

Throughout her career Malone has always continued to make more and more efforts and push herself to challenges with a wide range of emotions and versatility in her performance. 

Below is a list of all the movies of Jena Malone so that you can get to know about it, so without spending time here and there let us immediately have a look at the list. 

Movies of Jena Malone for the users – 

Title of the movie

Bastard out of Carolina 



The book of stars, 

For love of the game


Donnie darko, 

life as a house 

The dangerous loves of altar boys,

the badge, 

American girl 

The unites states of Leland, 

Cold mountain 



how’s moving castle 

The ballad of jack and rose, 

Pride and Prejudice 

Container, lying 

Four last songs, 

the go-getter, 

into the wild 

The ruins 

The messenger, 

the soloist

Five star day 

Sucker punch 

For Ellen, in our nature 

The painted lady, 


the wait, 

the hunger games: catching fire 

10 cent pistol, 

time out of mind, 

inherent vice, 

the hunger games 


the hunger games 

Lovesong, ,

batman vs superman, 

the neon demon, 

nocturnal animals 

Bottom of the world

The public 




Adopting Audrey 


rebel moon 


There are many jena malone tv shows in which she has worked too and has gained a lot of popularity. 

Do you want to learn more about Hollywood actor's best movies list then don’t forget to visit movikv website.